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no because they didnt let it.

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Q: Does the Massachusetts Bay Colony live up to the Puritans' expectation of such a city?
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How did puritans try to make their settlement in the Massachusetts colony a city upon a hill?

They did it by only letting people that believe in christian living

How did Rhode Island differ from the Massachusetts bay colonies?

MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONYJohn Winthrop was the leader of puritans in Massachusetts Bay Colony.He tried to make Massachusetts Bay Colony the "city upon a hill"a perfect christian livingRHODE ISLANDRoger Willams founded PrividenceAnne Hutchinson's settlement joined in later onNarragansett Tribe

What colony did winthrop describe as a city upon a hill?

AnswerThe Massachusetts Bay Colony.

What group settled in massachusetts intending to build a holy city?

the puritans

What was the chief city of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?


Who was the founder of Massachusetts bay?

The Pilgrims landed in Plymouth Colony. William Brewster and William Bradford were some of the leaders. All the men signed the Mayflower Compact which was the document for governing the colony.

What was the city upon the hill called?

Massachusetts Bay Colony

What prominent city grew out of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?


For whom did the Massachusetts Bay Colony provide a safe religious haven?

When the Massachusetts Bay Colony was established by John Winthrop, its goal was to be a "city on a hill," a religious theocracy run by and for Puritans, and one that would set a good example for Christians who would live there. Unfortunately, the Puritans turned out to be quite intolerant of not just other religions but other interpretations of Puritanism, causing people like Roger Williams to leave and establish other colonies (in Williams's case, Rhode Island).

What present-day city did the puritans settle first once arriving in America?

Plymouth, Massachusetts, was founded in 1620.

How did the puritans try to make their settlements in Massachusetts colony a city upon a hill?

The "city on a hill" comes from The Bible and Jesus's sermon on the Mount. When the Piligrams left they brought with them the idea of a city on the hill as an example of how life should be lived and conducted. They believed that the English church was filled too much ceremony and should be more simple. So, when they built their colony they kept to the simplicity, taught from the Bible, and had strict rules concerning behavior within the colony.