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Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) participate in the Eucharist/Communion/Lord's Supper each Sunday, although they do not use these terms. The Mormons call it 'Sacrament', and it is the main focus of Sunday worship services.

During the Sacrament in a Mormon congregation, bread and water is blessed by a group of Priests and then passed to the congregation by Deacons. The bread is symbolic of the body of Jesus Christ (who is also called the "Bread of Life" in The Bible), and the water is symbolic of the blood of Jesus Christ (who is also called the "Living Water" in the Bible). During the ordinance, Mormons are to remember the sacrifice of Jesus' body and blood that was made in their behalf. They believe that by partaking of the bread and water, you are making a covenant with God - that you will serve Him and in exchange He will guide you. Historically, wine was used for the sacrament but water became the common practice over 100 years ago. A communal cup was used until about 100 years ago as well, but individual disposable cups are now used as a sanitary measure.

Mormons welcome visitors and guests to participate in the Sacrament service. They ask that guests only participate if they take it seriously. It is not considered disrespectful to simply pass it on to the next person if you do not desire to participate.

Check out the "Related Links" below for more information on the Mormon Sacrament.

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