

Does the PS vitas analog sticks click down?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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No, they do not have a pressable button functionality, only directional.

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Q: Does the PS vitas analog sticks click down?
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The Vita's analog sticks do not double as buttons and cannot be pressed down.

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You press down on the analog sticks until you hear a "click" sound. Those are the L3 and R3 buttons.

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R3 is when you click the right Analog in, in other words push the stick down. Not like the direction like if you would pull it up push it down and it makes a click

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<-- scoreboard --> objectives menu LT aim down sight RT fire weapon LB tactical grenade RB lethal grenade Y switch weapon crouch prone hold and sprint for dive to prone a jump x use reload R analog stick click for melee attack left to analog stick , inventory and L analog stick move click to sprint.