

Does the Pardoner admit his own hypocrisy?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Does the Pardoner admit his own hypocrisy?
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Which excerpts does the pardoner admit his hypocrisy?

The Pardoner admits his hypocrisy in "The Canterbury Tales" when he says that he preaches against greed and avarice while actively promoting the sale of indulgences and relics for personal profit. He acknowledges that he is more interested in lining his own pockets than genuinely helping others with their spiritual needs. This admission reveals the Pardoner's deceitful nature and underscores the moral ambiguity of his character.

What does the Pardoner mean when he says And thus you preach against the very vice you make your living out of avarice?

The Pardoner is criticizing the hypocrisy of those who preach against avarice (greed) while themselves making a living by exploiting people's greed through indulgences and false relics. He is highlighting the irony of condemning a sin that one benefits from financially.

Sell relics that he already admitted were fake the Pardoner may be commenting on the of his audience?


What character played as a foil in the pardoner's tale?

The character who played as a foil in the Pardoner's Tale is the three rioters. They are contrasted with the Pardoner himself, highlighting his hypocrisy and greed by embodying sinful behaviors such as drunkenness and violence.

What character played a foil in pardoner's tale?

The character who plays a foil in "The Pardoner's Tale" is the riotous youth who is described as rude, aggressive, and foolish in contrast to the Pardoner's deceitful and manipulative nature. The youth serves to highlight the Pardoner's hypocrisy and greed through his impulsive actions and eventual downfall.

What is one characteristic of an allegory that is found in The Pardoner's Tale?

One characteristic of an allegory in The Pardoner's Tale is the use of symbolic characters, like the Pardoner himself, who represent abstract qualities or ideas. In this tale, the Pardoner symbolizes greed and hypocrisy, making him a key figure in conveying the moral message of the story.

What social comment does Chaucer make in his sketch about the pardoner?

In his sketch about the pardoner, Chaucer comments on the corruption and hypocrisy within the Catholic Church during his time. The pardoner is depicted as greedy, manipulating people's faith for personal gain, highlighting the moral decay and exploitation prevalent in medieval society. Additionally, Chaucer critiques the effects of materialism and greed on spiritual values, warning against the dangers of hypocrisy and deception.

Why is it strange when after he completes his tail the pardoner tries to sell his relics to the audience?

It's strange because the Pardoner, as a corrupt and dishonest character, presents himself as holy and virtuous while trying to profit off fake relics. This juxtaposition reflects the Pardoner's hypocrisy and greed, making his attempt to sell relics contradictory and indicative of his fraudulent nature.

Which is a significant thematic question raised by The Pardoner's Tale?

"Is it more moral to admit one's faults or deny them?" is a significant thematic question raised by The Pardoner's Tale.

What is the tone of The Pardoner's Tale?


Which is the inner story of The Pardoner's Tale?

The inner story of "The Pardoner's Tale" revolves around three drunken rioters who set out to seek and kill Death, but end up killing each other due to greed and betrayal. It serves as a morality tale highlighting the destructive consequences of greed and the folly of seeking death. The tale ultimately reveals the pardoner's own hypocrisy and moral corruption.

Chaucer describes the Pardoner as dishevelled to suggest that he is?

Chaucer portrays the Pardoner as disheveled to suggest he is deceitful and untrustworthy. His unkempt appearance mirrors his corrupt moral character, emphasizing the hypocrisy of his profession as a seller of indulgences.