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Based on the other constellations I would say no.

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Q: Does the Phoenix constellation in the southern hemisphere look like a Phoenix?
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Is the constellation 'Big Dipper' unique to the northern hemisphere?

There is no constellation like it in the Southern Hemisphere... but the Southern Cross points to where a South Star would be located, if one were visible.

What constellation looks like a cross?

The constellation known as the Southern Cross or Crux looks like a cross. It is composed of four main stars and one minor star, and is visible throughout the southern hemisphere and the lower latitudes of the northern hemisphere.

How do a constellation act like an address?

if you study constellations you know where certain constellations are around the world such as in the southern hemisphere

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It can be seen every year, like all constellations can be. It is best viewed from the southern hemisphere.

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The southern hemisphere has more land compared to the northern hemisphere. This is because the southern hemisphere contains larger landmasses like South America, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica, whereas the northern hemisphere has more water with large oceans like the Pacific and Atlantic.

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What has more water the northern or southern hemisphere?

The Southern Hemisphere has more water compared to the Northern Hemisphere, with around 80% of the Earth's water resources being located in the Southern Hemisphere due to its larger oceans like the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans.

If it is spring in the southern hemisphere what season is it in the northern hemisphere?

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What hemisphere has a higher proportion of water to land?

The Southern Hemisphere has a higher proportion of water to land compared to the Northern Hemisphere. The Southern Hemisphere is dominated by the Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica, while the Northern Hemisphere has larger landmasses like Asia, Europe, and North America.

What cluster of stars in the sky looks like a question mark?

Part of the constellation of Leo, with the star Regulus at the southern end, looks like a question mark written back to front. Leo is best seen on spring evenings in the northern hemisphere, or autumn evenings in the southern.

What states are in the southern hemisphere?

Some states that are entirely located in the Southern Hemisphere include Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, and South Africa. Countries like Brazil, South Africa, and Indonesia are partly in the Southern Hemisphere.

Are there more mountains in the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere?

There are more high mountains in the Northern Hemisphere compared to the Southern Hemisphere. The largest mountain ranges, like the Himalayas, Rockies, and Alps, are located in the Northern Hemisphere, which contributes to the overall higher concentration of mountains in this region.