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Q: Does the South American plate moves divergent or convergent?
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How are transform boundries different from convergent and divergent boundaries?

a boundary at which two plates moves past each other horizontally

What are all the plate boundaries?

A simple answer is: Colliding and subductive as they consume the Earth as a portion of the plate is moved beneath another plate and remelted into magma. A common example is the western side of South America where the denser oceanic Pacific Plate moves under the less dense continental South American Plate. The Pacific melts into magma and the South American rises to form the Andes Mts. with a great deal of volcanic activity.

Which type of plate boundaries produce volcanoes?

Continental and Oceanic plates.

How are diverges and converges different?

At Divergent boundaries two plates split and tear apart moving away from one another, while at Convergent boundaries plates moves toward each other from opposite directions.

What direction does the South American plate move?

it moves east

Why does mountain range form at a divergent boundary?

Because when divergent boundaries plate moves apart, the sea-floor is starting to spread too.

What is the process in which the sea floor separates and moves in opposite direction is known as?


Why doesn't the earth's crust become thicker even when a new crust is formed at divergent boundaries?

Because, the molten material that moves into the fissures and cracks between diverging plates is no thicker than the existing plates. The plate will then probably be destroyed at the other end, due to a convergent boundary :)

What is a tectonic plate that moves together to cause destructive or compressional plate margins?


How does an ocean earthquake work?

An oceanic earthquake works almost similar to any earthquake on land. In an underwater earthquake, the seafloor moves, causing vibrations in the ground and shockwaves. When near land, these tremors can be felt. Depending on the magnitude and the type of plate boundary (convergent, transform or divergent), it can cause tsunamis.

What does a Divergent Boundary do?

these create rift valleys

What do tetonic plates consist of?

The plate tectonic theory is the belief that the earth's surface moves gradually over time and is not fixed. The theory holds true to the evidence of earthquakes which are the result of plates moving in opposite directions against each other.