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Q: Does the absence of wisdom teeth cause other teeth to space out?
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What makes space?

"Space" is one those things like 'cold', 'silence', and 'emptiness', that isn't 'something' all by itself. It's just the absence of something. Silence is the absence of any sound. Cold is the absence of any heat. Space is the absence of any material.

Toward what condition does diffusion eventually lead in the absence of other influences-?

equilibrium QUEENSCENE: yes, equilibrium because the concentration of molecules will be the same throughout the space the molecules occupy.

What condition does diffusion eventually lead in the absence of the other influences?

equilibrium because the concentration of molecules will be the same throughout the space the molecules occupy.

Can wisdom teeth cause your lower jaw to be pushed forward?

Yes it can no space in your mouth allowing the force not to b subdue by gum just teeth and it pushes forward

Do astronauts have weights in their space suits?

None, because of the absence of gravity

What are the immediate goals of space exploration?

Researching how earth life act in the space conditions. Manufacturing in the absence of gravity can also help some crystals to grow more evenly. No other immediate useful goals.

Can you get wisdom teeth at age 52?

Yes, actually it is quite common. Wisdom teeth can make an appearance at any age, even much later than 32 year old. Wisdom teeth more often that not, will cause pain, infection and other issues that lead to removal being necessary.

What can grow in the space where wisdom tooth was removed?

If not cleaned properly bacteria.

Is space and the moon the same? offense but are you an idiot? NO!!!!The moon is a mass that orbits our earth. Other planets have moons too, not just ours. And it depends what you mean by space. Does your mind comprehend space like a kindergardener?There is space between every thing, including atoms. They are not the same! The moon is a mass and space is basically the absence of it.

What is the complete absence of matter?

No, the absence of matter would be a vacuum, which is quite different from a black hole. A regular black hole has a fairly large amount of mass (which is basically the same as matter) in a small space.

Why is the absence of friction important when studying interacting objects?

The absence of friction makes it a 100% efficient space to see the reaction between any interacting objects.

Will one ton float in outer space?

Nothing 'floats' in outer space. Objects are in freefall. Floating implies there is something to provide buoyancy, this is not so in space. Space is the absence of matter.