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unless you have it in NO

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Q: Does the action replay save cheats on games?
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Related questions

What does the micro sd card do in the action replay dsi?

The micro SD card lets you save your AR cheats on it. You can also copy cheats/games to other ARs your Friends may have.

What exactly is Action Replay?

Well action replay is is when you replay one of your actions. Say star craft you save replay then you replay the action and that is what action replay is. I am 99 percent sure if your talking about normal computer games. Hope I helped you out Life

How do you use cheats in Pokemon Diamond?

either you use a action replay or somehow find a cheat thing you cant save cheats in. What kind of a loser says that?

How do you catch fainted rare Pokemon?

what i would do is save before you go into battle with it or either get an action replay to use cheats :)

Is it good to use an action replay for Pokemon platinum?

It isn't really a good idea to use an Action Replay for anything. It is like a game of risk. Some cheats could corrupt the save file and delete your game.

Is Walk through walls action replay code for Pokemon ranger?

im pretty sure.... careful with the cheats my action replay corrupted my data save use at own risk.... go on Google and type Pokemon ranger shadows of almia cheats and go to the cheats master page.. good luck <(^.^)>

Why won't my Action replay save games?

it means it is brook or something is wrong with it sorry man

How do I get the Action Replay Software to work?

once you install the disc that came with your action replay. You download save files or cheats you want and then open up the file manager. Your are going to upload the save file to a USB drive and then using the PS2 format disc transfer the save file from your USB stick to the memory card

Are some ds action replay cheats permanent?

depending on the cheat and if you save the game when a cheat has modified a location within a game, if its a health cheat it not

How do you get Mario kart action replay cheats to save on Nintendo DS?

i didnt really do anything. it just saved automatically for me. sorry i couldn't help

How can you save your game when you use your action replay on Pokemon platinum?

the same way u save without ur action replay pswolfer8

How do you save an Action Replay save into an SD card?

YOU cant