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Does the air above the sea contain a lot of water vapour or only a little ? Suggest a reason.

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Q: Does the air above the sea contain a lot of water vapor or only a little?
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Do rivers or water vapor contain the most water?

Rivers contain the most WATER.... The water vapor, however, covering a lot of the atmosphere, contain the most H20-molekyls .

Is water vapor gas above boiling water?

it is above

What does water vapor contain?

Water molecules in an energised form.

What is water vapor made up of?

Water heated to above the boiling point (steam), or below the vapor pressure for water in the gas sample with water vapor in it.

What compound is inside bubbles of boiling water?

These bubbles contain air.

Do continental air masses contain large amounts of water vapor?

yes. very high amount of water vapor.

Do continental volcanoes contain water vapor and other gases?

All volcanoes emit water vapor and other gases.

What minerals are in a hurricane?

Hurricanes don't contain elements - only water and water vapor.

Where would air contain more water vapor in panama or Antarctica?

Panama, because the water would be vapor in that climate. Water would be ice crystals in Antarctica.

Is the ice that forms in a freezer contain freon?

The ice that forms in a freezer compartment is usually frozen water vapor from the air + water vapor from the foods themselves.

The addition of water vapor as the air passes?

Water in a container consists of liquid in the container and water vapor above the container. As the air passes, it carries off the water vapor above the water and the water in the container replenishes it. Moving air blows water vapor away much faster than still air. As a result, a plate with water in it will dry faster if air is blowing on it than a plate will if no air is blowing on it.

What does barometric pressure have to do with evaporation?

Above the surface of liquid water is a layer of water vapor. It has pressure. The atmosphere also has pressure. It pushes against the water vapor. The water vapor pushes against the atmosphere. It is called vapor pressure. It is related to temperature. When the vapor pressure equals barometric pressure, water boils. Normally this occurs at 100C or 212F. If you reduce the barometric pressure, you can reduce the boiling point of water. So when the barometric pressure is lower, the water vapor above the water has an easier time mixing with the atmosphere. As it mixes with the atmosphere, it is replaced by vapor from the water. It evaporates.