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Q: Does the amortized amount of prepaid expense goes on income statement?
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Why a decrease in current asset is added to the cash flow statement?

There are a few reasons that vary based on the current asset you're referring to. If its a prepaid expense that's been decreased you've generally increased an expense. Like if you have prepaid insurance it may be amortized to expense over the year. So this expense flows into cash flows through the net income amount. But you haven't paid cash for this expense it was merely reducing prepaid expense from the prior year. So it gets added to cash flows. If its account receivable that's being reduced it means in general you've received cash from your customer. But that amount is not included in net income as it was probably income and a receivable the year before. So you have to add it to cash.

What the difference between expense and prepaid expense?

Expense is that amount benefit of which has already taken by company while prepaid expense is that amount paid the benefit of which not yet taken but available to be taken in future period.

Where does prepaid insurance go on the multiple-step income statement?

A prepaid expense such as insurance is an operating cost and thus would be recorded under operating expenses

When are prepaid expenses are reported on the income statement as expenses?

Prepaid expenses do not go on the income statement as they are classified as assets. They are amortized over the time period being paid for.Example: If you prepaid $600 dollars for 6 months rent. Then $100 dollars would be expensed each month and the remaining amount is reported on the the balance sheet.

What is the difference between prepaid unearned account?

Prepaid is that amount of expense which is paid in advance and expense not occured while unearned account is that amount where amount for services received in advance but services not provided.

How does prepaid expense and accrued expense affect the profit of a business?

it will either increase or decrease profit. Prepaid expense should increase profit as the amount has been overstated.

What is prepaid expense and where is it reported in the financial statements?

Prepaid expense is that amount of expense which is paid in advance and expense is not actually incurred and prepaid expense is current assets of business and show under assets side of balances heet.

Is prepaid insurance reported on the income statement?

prepaid insurance is shown under cash flow from operating activities as reduction of cash flow or cash outflow.

What is prepaid expense?

A prepaid expense is an account that a business might have to pay the traveling expenses of salesmen. The salesmen are given a certain amount for travel each week or month that can be used for meals and hotels and other travel expenses.

Is prepaid rent is what type of asset?

Prepaid Rent is a Current-Asset account. Since it deals with "prepaid" it will expire on a regular basis and is not a "fixed" asset. Each month (or whatever terms the rent may be paid) the amount is removed from Prepaid-Rent and placed in Rent Expense.

What the difference between prepaid and accrued expense?

A prepaid expense is an expense you pay before you have incurred an obligation to pay it. Paying three months rent in advance is an example. Prepaid expenses are viewed as an asset on the balance sheet which is reduced as the expense is incurred. For example, every month in which rent falls due would be a reduction of your prepaid rent asset and a recognition of an expense equal to the amount of the reduction. Accrued expenses, on the other hand, are essentially the opposite. For example, assume you didn't prepay your rent. As the rent expense is incurred, a liability is created. After you actually make your payment, the liability is reduced by the amount of your payment.

What is a expense statement?

Amount Paid For Good's and services , to attain some goal and purpose. Friend's i think its a co0L definition or statment of Expense.