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== == Sperm can survive inside a women for 48-72 hours but on the outside they die immediately. It doesnt matter on the age.

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Q: Does the amount of time it takes for sperm to die after ejaculation depend on the age of the man?
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If he comes in you does it come out of you?

When male ejaculation takes place within the vagina, a certain amount of sperm will enter the Fallopian tubes in the natural event of fertilization. The rest will flow from the vagina.

How many days body takes to sperms formation?

When your penis fills up with blood to complete the errection, there is a signal sent to the prostate which then allows the formation of sperm, after being sexually excited for a long enough period of time the sperm shoots itsself out the tip of the penis. the answer is it takes about 75 days for a mere "25 min" to enjoy the feeling of the sperm shooting out of the penis.

What is the quantity of sperm fluid required to make a women pregnant?

It doesn't really matter. The healthy male releases around 500,000,000 sperm cells each ejaculation. All it takes is one of those to make her pregnant.

Can you get pregnant if the guy pulls out and there is no pre-ejaculate around you?

during intercourse a man excretes 'precum'. This is simply the prerequisite of a mans ejaculation of his sperm into a womans vagina. The precum does have sperm and you can most definitely get pregnant from even small amounts of sperm. It only takes one to win the race!

Can ejaculation from another man other then the sperm donour affect the physical feautures of the baby?

Once the egg has been fertilized additional sperm, regardless of source, has no affect on the baby. As soonest one sperm reaches the egg all the rest of the sperm is blocked off since only one sperm is all it takes for the egg to ignore the rest.

Does a man only have so much sperm or does the body recreate it?

A healthy man is constantly creating new sperm to meet the supply and demand. It takes just over 90 days for sperm to be produced and fully mature so there is always sperm at some level of development in his reproductive system.

Why many sperm cell's needed to fertilize an egg cell?

Because out of a normal ejaculation of 200 million sperms, 90% are deformed which is normal. The actually fertilize an egg it only takes one.

Can you speed up How fast is sperm produced by the male body?

Why do you need to..........? It takes on an average about 50mins to regenerate 3 million sperms. you can again have sex within the next hour..... i,e if you have the stamina.........?

How long does it take for man to make sperm?

Sperm is constantly being produced. The SPR (sperm production rate) for a man of normal fertility is over one hundred million sperm per day, or roughly 70,000 per minute. This rate is fairly constant, and is not affected by sexual activity including masturbation. Sperm count and quality is lowered by diseases, poor general health habits, poor nutrition, high scrotum temperature (such as produced by hot tubs), as well as by drugs and chemicals. A sperm takes 70-75 days to develop. Individual sperm develop within the testicles, taking 60 days to become a spermatid which gradually acquires the ability to move by beating its tail and eventually develops into a mature spermatozoan. The sperm then takes a further 10 to 14 days to pass through ducts and the epididymis, before it can leave the scrotum.

Is it possible for a man to insert the penis in the Virgina without fluid or ejaculation coming out for few seconds because he takes too long to ejaculate?

Ejaculation doesn't normally happen immediately after insertion. It usually takes at least a few minutes of movement to get an ejaculation.

Some experts says sperm can be fully developed in 3 months. Does this mean having a sex in a day to 5days after the last ejaculation or sperm release can not do pregnancy?

Take my word for it, however long the body takes to make the stuff you will always have enough laying idle to start a population explosion.

How long does it take for sperm to dry on fingers?

Once ejaculation has occured and semen has been released to the open air it dries very quickly , within a matter of a few minutes.