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Q: Does the atmosphere keep the earths temperature stable?
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What effect would an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have on earths overall temperature?

Of course, greenhouse gases keep the Earth from being one large popsicle. The newest studies of the atmosphere indicate that the atmosphere is pretty stable, now. The reason is that nearly all of the greenhouse gases are water vapor mostly evaporated from the oceans.

What is the the earths moons atmosphere?

There is no atmosphere on the moon. There is insufficient gravity to keep an atmosphere there.

Why does the moon have big temperature changes while earth dose not?

because the Earth has more of an atmosphere, and the Moon does not. the atmoshpere holds in heat and cold, so on the moon there is not anything to keep the temperature stable

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How does the atmosphere keep the earths temperature moderate?

The Earth's atmosphere works to keep the planet warm in the same way as a greenhouse. Warmth comes in the form of the sun's rays as it passes through the atmosphere. It is then kept from escaping back into space by greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane and even water vapour.

Which two processes keep the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere stable?

Respiration and photosynthesis

What is the relationship between ocean currents and earth temperature?

the ocean absorbs more than 50% of the heat that reaches the earths surface from the sun. The heat radiates of the ocean and makes surroundoing areas warm. but also like plants the ocean also takes in carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere which allows for the global temperature to decrease. these 2 main patterns help to keep the temprature of the earth stable.

How does a Dhole keep a stable body temperature?

They are warm blooded. They do it the same way as humans.

What two things does momentum count on to keep in act?

Outside earths atmosphere its Gravity, and on Earth its Mass and Velocity.

How do our bodies change temperature?

Our bodies have an internal "thermostat" that keeps our temperature stable so that our family can process nutrients and keep us alive.

Which gases in earths atmosphere help keep surface temperatures warm enough for life?

carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor.

Which natural process can keep earths atmosphere warm at night?

A cloud cover after sunset will stop the day's warmth from escaping into space.