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Q: Does the blood that has just been filtered by the kidneys return to the heart?
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What blood vessels return blood from the kidneys to the heart?

Inferior Vena Cava.

How many times is blood filtered through the kidneys in a day?

The average person has 1 to 1½ gallons of blood circulating through his or her body. The kidneys filter that blood as many as 400 times a day.And also you filter by slapping your glutieus maximus

Clean filtered blood is returned to circulation through the?

Blood is filtered by kidneys, lymphatic vessels etc and lastly oxygenated by the lungs. Once passed through the lungs passes into the heart by the vena cava and the heart pumps the blood back out via the aorta to the rest of the body.

How much blood does the heart filter a day?

No. The heart undergoes cleaning in the Kidney. In the kidney the blood is filtered and re-filtered many times to remove most impurities that the blood does not need. Research the kidney and you will get your answer! All the heart does is pump the blood around the body! Hope this helps!

Do your kidneys clean your heart?

No, your kidneys do not clean your heart; they clean your blood.

What are the veins that carry blood to the kidneys?

The renal vein (renal = Kidney in Latin).

Benefits of exercise on excretory system?

Cellular wastes are carried by the cardiovascular (and lymphatic system which empties into the blood). Muscle contraction is essential for venous return to the heart. The heart will pump the blood/waste to the kidneys where they are filtered out through the glomerlus. The glomerulus also depends on filtration which is having fluids and wastes pushed through the gaps in the glomerular capillaries as a result of pressure created when the heart is pumping harder.

Is the blood in the heart clean?

blood is filtered in the kidney and infact, lungs (CO2)

How do e kidneys use blood from vessels?

No, the heart pumps blood. The kidneys remove waste products from blood.

What vessels that carry blood from aorta to kidneys?

The abdominal aorta carries blood from the heart to the kidneys.

What organs cleans blood?

The kidneys clean and filter blood.Lungs, liver, kidneys and spleen are organs that play a part in cleansing blood.

What cleans the blood?

Its simple the heart filters the blood.The heart does not filter blood. Your kidneys and liver filter toxins from your blood. Mostly your kidneys. Your liver aids more in digestion, but also filters blood.