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no. if on the ground or in air, gravity is still working on you at 9.8m/s or 32ft/s.

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Q: Does the body weigh more immersed in air than your true weight?
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Why does ice floats in liquidand sink in other liquid?

Recall Archimedes's principle. If the weight of the displaced liquid is more than the weight of the body put in the liquid then the body has to float. If weight of the body is more than that of the displaced liquid then body gets immersed.

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How much should a 41-year-old weigh?

There is no particular weight that a 41-year-old should weigh. Weight is related to height and body composition rather than age. What counts more than your body weight is your body fat percentage. To learn more about your body fat percentage, see the page link listed under Related Questions.

The ONLY real accurate way to determine the amount of body fat is?

Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, or DXA (formerly DEXA), is a newer method for estimating body fat percentage, and is commonly cited as the current gold standard for body composition testing.* Immersion: This method is based on the fact that lean tissue (muscles,bones, etc.) tends to sink in water, while fat floats. The client is seatedin a chair which hangs from a scale, rather like a scale in a supermarket'sproduce section. The chair and the client are lowered into a pool of wateruntil the client is completely immersed, and the client's weight (whileimmersed) is recorded. The fatter you are, the more you tend to float, andthe lower your immersed weight will be--muscular people weigh more than fatpeople while immersed.

How much does a horse's head weigh in proportion to its body weight?

the horse head weigh as much as 11.5 or 26 in proportion its body weight..

How many times more or less gravity than earth does mercury have?

You would weigh 38% of your current body weight.

How much weight can I lose if I am 5'5 and 197.6?

I'm 5'4 and I weigh 130lbs. That is a good weight to stay at. At 5'5 a good weight should be no more than 145lbs after that your body is not equally proportioned with your weight.

Can you lose weight by losing body fluid?

It's unhealthy to dehydrate yourself like some weight loss supplements do to temporarily remove your "water weight". Fluids often weigh more, but your body will try to naturally replenish what you lose.

How much is a 46-year-old supposed to weigh?

There is no specific weight that a 46-year-old is supposed to weigh. Weight is related to height and body composition rather than age. What counts more than your body weight is your body fat percentage. To learn more about your body fat percentage, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions. Alternatively, please feel free to ask the question again and include more detail.

How much should a 5 foot 5 inches male weigh?

There is no specific weight for anything.. its more on judgement.. and body fat mass.

Does weight lifting increase body mass?

Weight training will force your body to adapt to the stress(weights) that you put on it. your bodu responds by building more muscle protein which will make you weigh more, don't let this discourage you from training however) remember BMI is nonsense.

What is the weight of a man when he is in a satellite?

Weight is defined by gravity. So in space, you weigh nothing. The more gravity, the more you weigh. Mass, however, does not change with gravity, and is also another factor is weight.