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BIG TIME NO!!! If the cardiac muscle tires, you will die! It is just like saying if the Heart tires, then so does the cardiac muscle (Which the Heart is made up of).

Remember the Heart pumps from when you were in your mothers womb, till your death. Every other muscle in the body such as hands, legs, arms etc will tire as I'm sure you've already noticed.

The cardiac muscle NEVER tires.

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The muscle used for breathing is the diaphragm, and no it does not tire easily (if it did a person could die from lack of oxygen from a simple workout). However, it CAN cramp up during exercise if one breathes too fast.

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Q: Do heart muscles get tired
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What will happen if muscle of heart tired as the muscles in arm did?

half of your body will get old and the next will not

How do muscles get tired?

there is force that makes your muscles tired

What causes a muscle to get tired?

Because muscles have such a hard task. The only muscle in your body that does not get tired is your cardiac muscle also known as your HEART

Exercises that make muscles tired?

All exercises eventually make muscles tired.

What sort of muscle never tires?

The heart itself is a muscle that never gets tired. This is, in part, due to the inclusion of the cardiac muscle and the constant blood flow to the heart itself. Skeletal muscles tire after prolonged use and cardiac muscles maintain stamina for constant use.

What are some ways of soothing tired muscles?

You can sooth tired muscles by getting a massage, or massaging the effected muscles yourself. You can also use a warm compress or icy hot which can help soothe your tired muscles.

What does muscles mean?

Your heart is a muscle. It is also called the myocardium. The muscle cells in the heart muscle are called myocardiocytes.

What happens when muscles get tired?

Even the strongest muscles can get tired if they are overworked. When muscles get tired, they may become cramped or experience pain. It is best to refrain from exertion when the muscles start hurting.

Why do lips shake when tired?

The lips may shake when they are tired because the facial muscles may be tense. Tense or tired muscles may shake or tremor.

What should you do when your muscles get tired?


What does it take to get your muscles tired?

pop ten pill mix or match get tired

Is cold compress bad for tired muscles?

A cold compress is good for swollen tissues. For tired muscles the best thing is heat or massage.