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haven't you ever heard that it's not the size that counts, but how you use it?

both the ova and the sperm are called haploid, meaning they have half the normal chromosomes. 2+2=4. bingo! you have a baby.

if anything the male is more influential in the outcome of the baby.

the sperm can supply either the x or y chromosome (girl=xx, boy=xy just in case you aren't following the little bouncing ball), while the ova can only supply the x.

take that to the bank.

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Q: Does the child inherit more from the mother as the size of the egg is larger than the sperm?
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Who does a male child inherit his X chromosome from?

yes, some people have xxy chromosomes, a genetic mutation. Although I'm not sure if the extra chromosome is from the fathers sperm or sex cell. Hope this helps :)

Is it true that the blood of a child comes from the sperm from the father and not the mother?

No. The child is a unique mix of both of its parents.

Does it mean that a child would inherit more from the mother than from the father because the egg is bigger than the sperm?

No. They will each get the same genes that make a human a human except for the sex genes. The egg carries its' set of genes and all of the organelles including the mitochondria. The sperm carries only its' set of genes.

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Yes. However, an attorney must be consulted in order to get the child's custody to be legally under the child's two mothers. Without consulting an attorney, the child will belong to the mother who birthed the child and the brother who provided the sperm.

If you donate sperm to a woman then the woman has babies are you a dad?

You will be called Biological father of the baby who inherit your all qualities plus resemblence .U need not support the mother and medical ethics forbit disclousure of your identity to the mother and u will be refered as unknown donor of the sperm

How is it possible that a child inherits equally from its mother and father?

If the egg and sperm have the same amount of chromosomes.

Does the egg determine the sex of a child?

No, the egg is from the mother and can only carry the X chromosome (since the mother is XX). The sperm will be either X or Y (since the father is XY), and will determine the sex of the child.

What sex chromosome is found in human egg cell?

By human egg cell I guess you mean the oocyte (the one produced by the mother). The oocyte always carries the X chromosome, the sperm can either carry the Y or the X chromosome. Interestingly, the sperm which carries the Y is actually quicker than the one carrying the X, maybe because the X chromosome is far larger. So, if the Y chromosome sperm reaches the egg first, the child will be a boy (XY), and if the X chromosome sperm beats him to it, the child will be a girl (XX).

A child will be a girl if she receives what chromosomes from father and what chromosomes from mother?

A child's sex is actually determined entirely by his or her father. All eggs in a woman's body contain and X chromosome, whereas sperm cells contain either X or Y. The female sex chromosomes are XX and the male sex chromosomes are XY. Thus, if the sperm that fertilizes the egg contains an X chromosome, the child will be a girl. If the sperm contains a Y chromosome, the child will be a boy.

Where do you inherit chromosomes from?

Chromosomes are in the sperm, one sperm is either a female or male, its also in your dna once you've been "made"

What forms when gametes fuse?

male and female gametes form a zygote which is an offspring from the sperm cell (father ) and egg cell (mother ) . a zygote ( child ) is what is formmed when there is a sexual intercourse between mother and father ( the egg and sperm cell fuse ! )

What is the idea that offspring are a blend of genetic material from both their parents?

In human being and other mammals offspring inherit approximately 50% genes from mother and 50% from father .