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No, not all churches provide infallible guidance to Christians.
There are some church systems which bring you the idea of rapture and the word rapture is not even written in the world or our Father, in fact Ezekiel 13 teaches against rapture.

There are church system who teach all men came from Adam, which is ridiculous because Adam (eth-ha-adam), the man to till the soil (Farmer) was not formed until the 8th day (hence the circumcision in the 8th day - Abraham). All races were created on the 6th day, some 2000 years prior to the forming of Adam.

There are some church systems which teach this earth is only 6000 years old when the book of Genesis provides for 8000 years in the first two Chapters. 2nd Peter provides that this earth has been through one earth age already and is now in its second. The time span of the first earth age is never provided, we know through fossils and other discoveries such as dinosaurs that it did in fact exist.

Many church systems never teach understanding of biblical text, they simply preach sermons every sunday, to the masses. The people eventually walk away completely illiterate.

Satan picks up more converts to his system of philosophia doctrine via poor/bad Christian teaching, than anything else.

We are each individually held accountable Revelation 20 concerning judgement. So seek out one who actually teaches you the biblical text, as it is written, these are few and far between, but they are available.

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Q: Does the church give infallible guidance for christians?
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