

Does the color of Skittles matter?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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14y ago

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Yes, if it is red, than it's cherry or strawberry flavored. It's one of the only food that if affected by color.

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Q: Does the color of Skittles matter?
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No. But there will be, if YOU make one! ^.^

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It makes them taste better. Sort of... Research shows that when someone eats a food with a brighter and bolder color, they will also perceive the flavor to be stronger. So the bright colors of Skittles trick your mind into thinking the Skittles taste better.

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yellow, yes i tried it.

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becuz they (jelly beans and skittles) are artificial foods, they are colored with artificial falvoring and colors to make it seem natural add plz

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There are 5 colors of bags of skittles. ~ Red ~ Blue ~Yellow ~Purple ~Green

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It takes about two minutes possibly three

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