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The composition of pure substances, such as elements and compounds, are always the same. The composition of mixtures can vary.

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Q: Does the composition of a substance always stay the same?
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Physical Change: A change in which the atoms or molecules in a substance stay the same. Example: Ripping a piece of paper in half Chemical Change: A change that affects the type of molecules or atoms in a substance. Example: Burning wood The primary difference is that in a physical change, the composition of the substance remains the same, but in a chemical change, the composition of the substance changes.

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If a substance of unknown composition is heated in an open container will Its mass will stay the same as a result the mass of the container and its contents decreases. A substance of an unknown composition is heated in a sealed container the mass of the container and its content remains the same.

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Chemical change is when the composition of your elements or solution change. In a simple way to say it, it's when you no longer have the same elements or solution that you started with. You can determine if a reaction is chemical, by observing the chemical properties. Usually it's when there's a color change, a new substance formed, etc.. On the other hand, physical change is when the composition of your substance stay the same, but the physical properties change. For example, liquid water evaporate into H2O gas.

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Well the same reason fire doesn't stay at the same temp. is always changing

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Yes, no gas is given off, therefore the mass of conversation will stay the same.

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Weather does not stay the same because of weather patterns around the world.Hope it helped! XD