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Q: Does the day lengths change throughout the year because of the years tilt?
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Why does the position of Saturn in the night sky change throughout the year?

Because Saturn revolves around the Sun and takes 29 years to do so.

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Because it takes longer to orbit the sun.

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it really didn't change but maybe its because people just celebrate but not think about what the holiday is really about.some think it is only about firecracker...

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The lengths haven't changed but the quantity may have increased.

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Basically they stay the same, although over tens of thousands of years, they change slightly.

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maybe because they needed laughter from all the oppression throughout the years.

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it changes because you 50 years in 2013 it will change you will see

When was Live Throughout the Years created?

Live Throughout the Years was created in 2007.

Do all planets have days and years?

They all have days and years, but they are all of different lengths to days and years on Earth.

Why do the planets have years that are different lengths?

Because as they revolve in their orbits around the sun, every planet averages a different distance from the sun, and that's how gravity works.

Why did the colosseum still survive all these years?

Because it is a grand building, and throughout history people have marveled at it.