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Most definitely yes. Water has its maximum density at 4° C. By definition this is the point at which clean water has a density of 1 exactly. It gradually becomes less dense as its temperature rises. When it changes state for liquid to gas, it undergoes a tremendous change in density, dropping to 0.0006 at 100° C. When it freezes, it also undergoes a big change in density, but not as drastic. It drops to 0.9150 at 0° C. Since it is less dense than liquid water, ice floats.

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Q: Does the density of water depend on the temperature of water?
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How does density depend on the amount of material?

Because density is an intensive property, it does not depend on the amount of material. Density is a ratio between mass and volume, D=M/V. That specific ratio is constant for any material. For example, the smallest sample of aluminum and the largest sample of aluminum have a density of 2.70 g/cm^3 at room temperature. Density does change with temperature because temperature affects volume. The density of all samples of aluminum at its melting point is 2.375 g/cm^3.

Is it true that the hotter the water the denser it is?

No. Water has its highest density at about 4 °C. Below and above this temperature, its density decreases.

As temperature of the water decreases the density of water does what?

As temperature of liquid water decreases the density remains relatively stable until water changes phase change into solid (crystallization) ice at which point it decreases abruptly by about 10%. Continued cooling has little effect on the density of ice.

What is the meaning of water density?

Density is mass per unit volume of a substance. The Mass and volume of water is in the ratio of 1:1 .There fore the density of water is 1. With rise and decrease of temperature the volume increases or decreases to change the water density.

Why does cold water sink under warm water?

Because cold water has a higher density than warm water. Water contracts when its temperature lowers, causing its density to increase.

Related questions

What is the density of the ocean water depend on?

Mostly salinity and temperature

What is the density of 1000g of water?

The density of something does not depend on the amount of the substance you have, the density of 1 gram of water is the same as the density of 100000000 grams of water. The density of pure water at standard temperature and pressure is 1.

Is density depend on temperature?

Yes it is!

Why does water have different densities?

The density of water can depend on various factors, including:* The exact isotope mix. * Impurities. * Temperature (above 4 °C, water expands when heated; the density decreases).

What is the density of the ocean depend on?

Mostly salinity and temperature

What is the density of 32oz of water?

The density of pure water at standard temperature and pressure is 1 gram per cubic centimeter.That number is a characteristic of the substance, and doesn't depend on the quantity. A drop of waterhas the same density as a swimming-pool full of water.

How much density does sea water have?

The density of seawater is approximately 1030 kg/m3Note that:1. Density is a measure of the mass per unit volumeIt does not depend on the sample's size.2. The density of seawater is greater than that of fresh water which has a density of approximately 1000 kg/m33. The density of water varies with temperature and impurities.

What has a effect on water density?

Density of a liquid is indirectly proportional to the temperature. When the temperature raises, the density of the liquid decreases. Therefor the temperature has an effect on water density.

How is density of water related to temperature?

The density of water increase from 100 oC to 4 oC (here is a maximum); after this temperature the density decrease.

What density does an object have to have to sink in water?

A density greater than that of water (which varies with temperature).

What has greater density - 1 kilogram of water or 10 kilogram of water?

The density of a substance doesn't depend on how much of it you have. As long as the sample is pure, without any other stuff mixed in with it, the density of a drop of it is the same as the density of a supertanker full of it.

Is hot water denser than room temperature water?

Density: Mass/volume , so it is obious that density will changed with increase in temperature as volume is proportionaly changes with temperature so density will be decreases with increase in temperature. From this stand point we can say hot water has lower density then the water which is kept in room temperature. In 4'C water has higher density than other temperatures.