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Q: Does the department of justice work to prevent and control crime?
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Does department of justice has its own crime laboratory?

The F.B.I. comes under the United States Department of Justice and the FBI has a very large crime laboratory, so the answer would be "yes"

What is a criminal justice perspective model that emphasizes the efficient arrest and conviction of criminal offenders?

Crime Control

Which model advocates assembly line justice?

a crime control model

What is the three scope of criminology?

Criminology focuses on the study of the causes of crime, the impact of crime on society, and how to prevent and control criminal behavior. It encompasses studying criminal behavior, criminal law, law enforcement, and the criminal justice system.

What agency is responsible for the national crime victimization survey?

US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Why it is important to have crime prevention and control?

To prevent chaos in the streets.

Is A criminologist an individual who studies crime and criminals?

Yes, a criminologist is a social scientist who studies crime, criminal behavior, and the criminal justice system to understand patterns, causes, and effects of criminal activity. They analyze data, conduct research, and develop theories to help prevent and control crime.

Crime control implications of social conflict theories?

Social conflict theories suggest that crime is a result of social inequality and power struggles. This implies that crime control efforts should address underlying issues of poverty, discrimination, and injustice in order to effectively reduce crime rates. Additionally, addressing systemic inequalities and promoting social justice can help prevent the emergence of criminal behavior in the first place.

Is the scientific study of the causes and prevention of crime is called justice studies victimology criminology psychology?

The scientific study of the causes and prevention of crime is called criminology. This field focuses on understanding criminal behavior, the impact of crime on society, and developing strategies to prevent and control crime. Victimology is a subfield within criminology that specifically focuses on the study of victims and their experiences. Justice studies and psychology may intersect with criminology, but they are not specific terms for the study of crime causes and prevention.

What can be done to prevent crime against administration of justice?

To prevent crime against the administration of justice, measures such as ensuring transparency in judicial processes, providing adequate security for legal personnel, implementing strong ethical guidelines for those working in the justice system, and promoting public awareness about the importance of upholding the rule of law can be effective. Collaboration between law enforcement agencies, legal institutions, and community organizations is also crucial in preventing crimes against the administration of justice.

What is crime prevention?

Crime prevention is the attempt to reduce victimization and to deter crime and criminals. It is applied specifically to efforts made by governments to reduce crime, enforce the law, and maintain criminal justice.

Is Hillary Clinton guilty of corruption?

We will not know if Hilary Clinton broke the law unless she is charged with a crime. The Justice Department has NOT made any charges against her. She and the Justice Department have stated that email content recently redacted was NOT classified at the time.