

Does the digestive system work with excretory system?

Updated: 12/15/2020
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14y ago

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Yes. What isn't digested in the digestive system passes to the excretory system.

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Q: Does the digestive system work with excretory system?
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What system work with the excretory system work with?

the digestive system

What system do the digestive system work with?

I believe that the digestive system works with the excretory system.

How do the digestive and excretory systems work together?

The digestive and excretory systems work together by gathering nutrients from food and processing waste out of the body. Each system does its portion of the workload.

How does the excretory system work with the digestive system?

the excretory system uses water to clean blood, the contaminents make roughage, it is not part of the digestive system.

Does the Stomach work with the Excretory system?

No. Its only for the digestive system.

Does the skeletal system work with the excretory system?

No, the skeletal system works with the muscular system. The excretory system works with the digestive system.

When does the digestive system and excretory system join forces?

The heart does work with the 'excretory system' to keep your body healthy. It does in fact work with other systems though.

What does the excretory system and the digestive system have in comin?

The digestive and excretory system both help facilitate materials to their designated destination. The digestive system breaks down organic material to nutrients and unnecessary materials. The excretory system takes those unnecessary materials and remove them from the system.

How are the digestive system and excretory system interdependent?

Well the excretory system is port of the digestive system.The excretory system pumps blood around the body and the digestive system pumps food down the body.

How does the Excretory and the digestive systems work together?

The digestive system breaks down food which gets burned up by your metabolism. And The Excretory system doesn't have anything to do with poop, just pee.

How do the platypus' excretory system work?

Excretory System •They have an incomplete digestive system and that means they use the same orifice for eating foods and expulsion of waste materials.

What system works with the digestive system?

It works with the circulatory system because nutriants , vitamins, and food follow through our blood