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Dragonfly nymphs are aquatic and do not closely resemble the adults. See the link for a picture of a dragonfly nymph.

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Q: Does the dragonfly nymph look like the adult dragonfly?
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With the grasshopper the eggs hatch into animals that look like little adults. With butterflies the immature animals look nothing like the adult and live of different food. Also there is a "pupal" phase between the caterpillar and the butterfly.

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It is as an adult that a fly looks like its parents.Specifically, flies go through a life cycle of complete metamorphosis. The metamorphosis is complete because it involves four stages (egg, larvae, pupa, adult). The fly looks different in each stage, as opposed to an insect which undergoes incomplete metamorphosis (three stages of egg, nymph, adult, in which the nymph is a miniature version of the adult).

Does the larva stage resemble the adult?

No larval stage is the maggot (as in housefly) then they pupate and the adult emerges after metamorphosis. Those insects where the nymphs adults look like adults have only a 3-stage cycle egg, nymph, adult, with no larval or pupal stage.

What is the immature form of an aquatic hemimetabolous insect?

A nymph. You might mean dragon/damselflies, their larvae look a bit like them but without wings and with larger mouthparts. Damselfly larvae have feathery gills at their tail end. If you meant water bugs (which live in water as adults, like boatmen etc), that's a nymph too, and will look even more like a wingless adult. ^^ Hope I helped!

Does the larva stage resemble the adults?

No larval stage is the maggot (as in housefly) then they pupate and the adult emerges after metamorphosis. Those insects where the nymphs adults look like adults have only a 3-stage cycle egg, nymph, adult, with no larval or pupal stage.

What kind of grasshopper has a spike tail?

Grasshoppers do not have spiked tails. A bush cricket does look exactly like a grasshopper though and it has a spiked tail.

What kind of Dragonfly or bug if it isn't a dragonfly appears to have a brown body with wings that look like bars and at the end of each wing is a white tip?

It may be a Widow Skimmer dragonfly. An aggressive, but common dragonfly found around the edges of ponds and in marshy areas.

What does a dragon fly look like?

A dragonfly is a insect with wigs and some of them are colorful they like to stay around water

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