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The sperm. The egg is always an XX chromosome and the sperm can either by XX or XY if the sperm is XX it will be a girl if it is XY it will be a boy.

Edit: Actually, all girls have XX chromosomes, and all boys have XY chromosomes. But eggs and sperm are gametes with half the chromosomes of the parents. So all eggs have X chromosomes, and sperm can have either an X or a Y chromosome.

(So your intention in the answer was right, but just a small technical error.)

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They are called genes (JEENZ)

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9y ago

The sperm determines gender.

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Q: Does the egg sperm determine the gender of a human child?
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You cannot naturally control the gender of your baby, despite any methods or wives tails. The gender of your child is dependent upon the male's sperm containing XY chromosomes. His sperm will determine the gender.

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It is the x or y chromosome in the sperm of males that determine the sex of the baby. The woman carries two x chromosomes and the sperm either carries another x (a girl) or a y (a boy).

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Meiosis is used to make gametes in the human body. The gametes will either be sperm or eggs depending on the gender.

Which cell determends the gender of a human baby?

The sperm cell determines the gender of a human baby. Ova only have X sex chromosomes, but sperm cells can have either an X or a Y sex chromosome. If an X sperm fertilizes an egg, the offspring will be XX and be female. If a Y sperm fertilizes an egg, the offspring will be XY and be male.

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The sex of a child is determined by the father because the genes that determine sex come from the male sperm.

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no she males do not have sperm because they are not in the male gender

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There is absolutely nothing either parent can do naturally to determine the gender of a child. Sperm are very closely 50/50 male/female determining (I.e. Y or X chromosome carrying) and each ejaculation carries up to 150 million sperm so it's rather difficult to select the 75 million you want. There ARE artificial ways to enrich for one gender sperm over the other but even these techniques don't get better than 60/40 favoring the preferred gender. There is no reliable scientific evidence that anything the mother does will affect the gender of offspring.

Does the egg determine the sex of a child?

No, the egg is from the mother and can only carry the X chromosome (since the mother is XX). The sperm will be either X or Y (since the father is XY), and will determine the sex of the child.

Which kind of chromosomes are necessary to produce a female?

There are two types of chromosome, called X and Y. Semen contains X sperm and Y sperm. If the Y sperm fertilises the female ovum, the child will be male. If the X sperm fertilises the female ovum, the child will be female. A man's chromosomes will be XY and a woman's chromosomes will be XX. The man's sperm always determines the gender of the baby.