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The sex of a child is determined by the father because the genes that determine sex come from the male sperm.

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Q: Why does the father ultimately determine thesex if the baby?
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Genetics do not make a baby, they determine whether the baby will be more like the father or mother. Genetics can help determine traits like a baby having hair or eye colour like the mother.

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No there is not.

Who is responsible for sex of human baby?

In general, the mother contributes an (X) chromosome and the father can contribute either and (X) OR (Y). Therefore, X/X = GIRL and X/Y = BOY. So, the father is ultimately controlling the gender of a baby.

How can one determine who her baby's father is?

With DNA tests of the possible fathers and of the baby. Today it can be done with a simple swab test on the inside of the mouth. If he refuses you can get a court order.

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Leo is the father of Grace's baby on the show "Will & Grace."

If you are married and your husband is fixed and you get pregnant from a man who does not know you are married whos responsible for the baby?

ULtimately, YOU are, although the "biological" father is also responsible if you can confirm paternity and wish to pursue in a court of law.

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She does not have a baby!