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Yes. Sperm cells travel up the spermatic ducts (vas deferens) to the seminal vesicles.

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Q: Does the ejaculatory duct only transport sperm?
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Is sperm matured in the vas deferens?

After the sperm leave the vas deferens it goes into the ejaculatory duct.

Is sperm are present in pre-ejaculatory fluid?

Yes, sperm are present in pre-ejaculatory fluid. Hence it is entirely possible for a woman to become pregnant even if the man does not actually ejaculate. If you want to avoid pregnancy, any contact between genitals (up to and including penetration) should only happen with protection.

Is it anyway possible to be pregnant if the male has had a sperm duct removal vasectomy?

only if the doctor didnt do the visectomy right

If penis just touches vaginal entry region may girl fall pregnant?

Technically, no by the description you have given us. If it does not go in it cannot fertilize the egg. Other factors also play a role like whether or not the girl is on her period or if the man's sperm does go completely in. You can never be too careful with these kinds of things.

Is Penis liquid good for health or not?

If you are meaning the liquid that comes out, sperm and ejaculatory fluid, after stimulation of the penis, then I will have to say that it isn't bad for your health, unless they have an STD(sexually transmitted disease) or HIV/AIDS. It doesn't have much nutritional value to it, only about 2 calories and 1g of protein.

Can semen be found in saliva?

The only way semen can be found in saliva is if the woman swallowed a mans ejaculatory fluids.

Sperm production?

Sperm are produced, stored, and delivered by the male reproductive system. The male reproductive system includes the testes, urethra, vas deferens, prostate gland, seminal vesicle, and penis.The testes contain coiled structures called seminiferous tubules, which are the sites of sperm production. They produce over 12 billion sperm per month. The epididymis lies on top of the seminiferous tubules. Immature sperm migrate from the seminiferous tubules to the epididymis to mature and be stored.Before intercourse, the penis fills with blood and becomes erect. With sufficient stimulation, the ejaculatory process begins.The mature sperm travel from the epididymis through the vas deferens. The vas deferens is a narrow, muscular tube about 18 inches long. Its smooth muscle contractions propel the sperm forward. They arrive first at the ampulla, the widest part of the vas deferens, and then pass into the ejaculatory ducts. In the ejaculatory ducts, a liquid secretion from the seminal vesicles mixes with the sperm. Seminal fluid contains fructose sugar, which the sperm use as fuel as well as alkalines, which help to counteract the naturally acidic environment of the vagina and uterus providing the sperm a better chance for survival.The liquid mixture is propelled forward through the ejaculatory ducts toward the urethra, passing first through the prostate gland, where milky prostatic fluid is added, forming the substance we call semen. The prostatic fluid helps the sperm swim faster, which is important for getting to the egg cell.Finally, about a teaspoon of semen is ejected out (ejaculated) through the far end of the urethra at the end of the penis. From the time the sperm leave the man's body, they have between 12 and 48 hours to find and fertilize the egg cell, assuming an egg is available. Of the 300 million sperm ejaculated, only about 200 or so will survive to reach the egg cell and only one will succeed in fertilizing it.Reviewed ByReview Date: 09/16/2008Dan Sacks MD, FACOG, Obstetrics & Gynecology in Private Practice, West Palm Beach, FL. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network.

Can you only get pregnant by sperm?

Yes, sperm is the only thing that can get someone pregnant

Where can Duct phones by Panasonic be bought?

It seems that Duct phones by Panasonic can only be purchased by an authorized dealer. The only locations per the Panasonic website that allow you to purchase the duct phones are: Proudy Precision and Re Michael Co Inc

What prevents sperm and urine from mixing?

The internal sphincter muscle at the base of the bladder prevents urine from mixing with sperm during ejaculation. This muscle contracts to close off the bladder's exit, ensuring that only semen passes through the urethra. Additionally, the flow of semen from the ejaculatory ducts during ejaculation helps to clear any urine that may be present in the urethra beforehand.

Can you tap into existing duct for bathroom fan?

Only if the existing duct was taking airflow from say, the kitchen, and blowing out of the building.

Can a sperm cause diabetes?

Sperm does not cause diabetes. It is only diabetes which damages sperm.