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Actually, all I know is that that the female lion hunts as well.

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Q: Does the female lion take care of the young while the male hunt?
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How do the female tiger take care of their young?

they safe by camouflaging with the snow and they hunt their prey

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The female tiger or tigress teaches her young to hunt.

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They dont hunt for theyre young, the larvas have to take care for themselves.

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To hunt for the pack and produce and care for young.

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The female polar bear gives birth to one or two young while hibernating in a den dug into the snow. The young stay with their mother until they have grown up enough to hunt and survive on their own.

Do mammals help to care for one anothers' young?

Some mammals do, but others do not. One couple of maras (maras mate for life) will guard their own young and the young of other couples. The couples that are the parents of these young take turns guarding the young while the other couples hunt. In African Wild Dog packs, some adults will watch all the pups in the pack while the other adults hunt. Care for another individual's offspring is called crèche.

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Yes a Mother Wolf cares for their young ones they take care of them until they can hunt and survive on their own

How does living in groups make it easier for animals to care for young?

Living in groups make it easier for animals to care for young because parents have to teach their young how to hunt.

How do snow leopards take care of their young?

they teach their young how to climb and hunt for food. so when they are older they can do it then.