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Yes, the food pyramid applies to all ages.

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Q: Does the food pyramid work for all ages?
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What in a stationary population pyramid?

A stationary population pyramid is an age-sex pyramid, where the birth rate and death rate are very close throughout all ages.

What types of food can you expect to eat?

all food from the food pyramid

What does eating the pyramid way is all about?

It has to do with The Food Pyramid, which is basically visualizing what portions and serving sizes of food you should consume daily.

What objects are shaped like a pyramid instead of the pyramid in Egypt?

There are also the food pyramid, a cheerleader pyramid, and a teepee. Sorry thats all i can think of

How is a food web different from a food pyramid?

a food web shows what animals eat others. a energy pyramid shows all animals that eat the same thing.

Did they work all year on the great pyramid?


When using a food pyramid do you start at the top or the bottom?

The goal of the food pyramid is a visual cue to remind all that the bulk of the diet comes from the foundation (bottom) of the pyramid. As you scale the pyramid, the quantity necessary to ensure adequate nutrition decreases.

What is the food pyramid?

The food pyramid is a source to figure out what you should be eating and how much you are supposed to have. It is just simplified so the average person can read it. Ask any health teacher or nutrition and wellness teacher. or a doctor... A pyramid of all the healthy food you need. A triangle that shows people how to eatit shows you the grain, vegetable, fruit, milk, and the meat group.tip. fats don't count. The Food Guide Pyramid is a pyramid that show all the food groups.

Does south beach diet follow the food pyramid?

NOPE! Not at all.

What a food pyramid demonstrates?

all the vitamins that we needed and what we should eat

Where does the peanut fall under on the food pyramid?

The peanut belongs in the protein food category, in the food pyramid, as do all nuts, meats, and dairy products.

What do you understand by 'proper' food?

Proper food mean the balanced food, the food having all the basic components in it and in right propotion. You can look for food pyramid from internet for better undrstanding.