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Q: Does the gold fade slower off of sterling silver overlays if the gold is a higher karat?
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Because it is slower

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Slower, at higher temperature that is.

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its heavier therefor it falls slower

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the ball will bounce less, because the molecules are moving slower which causes the ball to move slower and bounce slower

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having a slower rate of metabolism-novanet

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yes sonic is faster than silver in sonic 2006 sonic is way faster than silver giving sonic an advantage

Does changing the height of the bicycle decrease o increae the speed?

Depends on what it'll do to your air resistance and your ability to pedal efficiently. If your pedalling begins to suffer when you go higher - then you'll go slower. If your air resistance increases - then you'll go slower. Better pedalling - higher speed. Lower air resistance - higher speed.

Is driving slower better?

Within reason, driving slower is better because you have more time to react. However, it is not better to drive a great deal slower than the traffic around you, because the others will be passing you at higher speed or backing up behind you.

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Molecules move more rapidly when heated as their kinetic energy is increased so their speed increases.