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i got one for my kitty. it worked for about 2 1/2 years, and then gradually wore off.

i have yet to call the gal and ask to get it 'recharged' so to speak. i paid $42. so

i'm hoping she will honor that and recharge it.

banana peals also work--left on the floor out of the way. this is an old folk remedy.

the fleas jump on and eat and the potassium kills them. really does help control

house fleas in a nontoxic manner.

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NO! Resources: I heard about it, tried it and it didn't work.

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Comfortis works well...can get it at the vet's office...kills fleas in about 30 minutes and protects them for one month...costs about $16.00

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Use Frontline on your dogs and cats to prevent fleas. I used frontline on Fido yesterday.

What kills fleas On dog?

Fleas are really common. Dogs can get fleas from other dogs, cats and grass. Identify where you think they got fleas from and stop this, so they don't keep getting fleas. You have to treat carpets, sofas and the whole house if the infestation is quite bad. Hoovering is the best way to get rid of most fleas and their eggs. Fleas lay eggs in crack and gaps so concentrate on these areas. Medication for getting rid of fleas on the dog will only work if you solve the carpet/sofa issue. You can get drops to put on the back of the dogs neck. These are really effective because it doesn't kill the fleas - it means the eggs the fleas lay won't survive, so you break the life-cycle. Flea shampoos are not effective - normal water and soap will kill fleas. Pills for fleas are also not recommended as they only kill the fleas that are on the dog - not in the carpets. If these methods don't work, get an exterminator in to gas the whole house!

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You use a flea repellent spray. You could also take them to the vet and let them use a anti flea shampoo. Before they get fleas, you should give them some type of medicine to prevent fleas.