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Yes, those veins are the largest in our body, they are called the superior and inferior vena cava.

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Q: Does the heart have green veins?
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Related questions

How does blood move in artery veins?

The heart pumps it. When your heart beats it squeezes blood in the heart into the arteries and from the arteries to the veins and from the veins back into the heart.

What carries blood to the heart?

Veins carry deoxygenated blood back the heart.

Which type of blood vessels does the blood flow away from the heart in?

Blood flows away from the heart in arteries, and towards the heart in veins.

What causes green veins?

The blood in veins appear green on the skin because the skin serves as a filter for the color red which perceives the color as green. Under normal light, blood appears as a red color.

Veins carrry blood to the heart?

Veins are thin. They carry blood to the heart and brain.

What do arteries and veins drain?

Arteries drain (pump blood) into veins. Veins drain into your lungs and heart to be re-oxygenated. (This is not true for veins and arteries to and from your lungs.)

What type of blood vessel carries the blood to the heart?


Blood vessel that carries blood to the heart?

veins, maybe

What structures supply the heart with blood?

Veins. Veins carry unoxygenated blood towards the heart.

What carries the blood toward the heart?

Veins are blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart.

IS the heart chmabers called arteries and veins?

The heart chambers are not called arteries and veins. Heart chambers are atria and ventricles.

What are the relationships of veins to the heart?

Veins carry blood back to the heart. In contrast, arteries carry blood away from the heart.