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no the heart only pumps bloo

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Q: Does the heart help make red blood cells?
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What organ does blood make?

Organs don't make blood. Cells make blood and the heart pumps it through your body. Hope that helped!!

Does the heart generate the formed elements of the blood?

The heart does not make the formed elements of the blood. The formed elements are made in the bone marrow. The formed elements of blood are red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), and platelets (thrombocytes).

What is the function of a cardiac cell?

Cardiac cells are muscle cells that make up the heart (cardiac tissues). When the muscles contract, they force blood out of the ventricles of the heart.

What is the fuction of the cardiac cell?

Cardiac muscle cells are the cells that make up the cardiac muscle and help to pump blood through your heart. Each of these cells contain myofibrils which are the contractile units of muscle cells. These cells have the ability to produce ATP quickly, making them resistant to fatigue.

How does coronary heart disease affect the cells?

All the cell of your body are affected by heart disease. The cells of the body need the oxygen and nutrients carried by blood in order to survive. The heart pumps blood. If the heart is unable to adequately pump blood, the cells do not get what they need in order to survive, and will eventually die. Heart disease can be managed by your health care provider, and there are means to make the heart pump better in order to prolong the life of the cells that we need so much to survive.

Oxygenated blood from the lungs is recieved by the?

Basically, oxygen-rich blood is pumped from the heart and is carried to the body cells by the red blood cells. the red blood cells contain haemoglobin and this reacts with the oxygen in the blood to make oxyhaemoglobin. the oxygen is then separated from the haemoglobin and respiration occurs in your body cells. Carbon dioxide is made and is carried back to the right side of your heart and is pumped to the lungs to be exhaled

How do cardiac muscle cells die?

From a lack of blood flow which is usually caused by some kind of blockage. If the muscle cells can't get blood, they can't get oxygen and they start to die. This is call necrosis. If the lack of blood last long enough a heart attack will occur.

Does heart make blood?

No the heart does not make blood- the blood is made by the bone marrow.

What atoms make blood?

Atoms make up everything. You may be thinking of cells. As far as cells, red blood cells and white blood cells make up blood.

Which nutrients maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells and is needed to help make DNA?

Vitamin B12

What do cells in the body do?

they help you from getting disease , your white blood cell help fight viruses that can make you sick.

How do red blood cells maintain homeostasis?

Three types of blood cells are white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Homeostasis is when the body is all functioning as one to keep away disease and to make sure that the whole body is working properly and doing its job. The red blood cells help in homeostasis by carrying oxygen to the cells The white blood cells help maintan homeostasis by protecting is from disease. And the platelets help begin the clotting process through out the cells