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It only changes in alpha and beta beacause Gemma is just an energy wave

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Yes, it is correct; the number of protons is changed.

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Q: Does the identity of an atom change during radioactive decay.why or why not?
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When the substance undergoes a chemical change its identity deos not change?

That's correct. In a chemical change, new substances are formed through rearrangement of atoms, but the identities of the original atoms remain the same. This is because atoms are not created or destroyed during chemical reactions, they simply rearrange into new combinations.

What are unwanted radioactive products formed during nuclear reactions called?

Unwanted radioactive products formed during nuclear reactions are called nuclear waste or radioactive waste. These byproducts are often harmful to the environment and can remain radioactive for long periods of time, presenting challenges for disposal and management.

Oxidation creates a change in the identity of burning wood through what change?

Oxidation of burning wood results in a chemical reaction where the wood combines with oxygen from the air to produce heat, light, and new chemical compounds like carbon dioxide and water vapor. This change in identity is due to the breakdown of the wood's complex organic molecules into simpler substances during the combustion process.

What happens when a pure substance undergoes a chemical change?

when a pure substance undergoes a chemical change it is no longer that same substance. A chemical change changes the identity of the substance. Hope i helped

How do you get radioactive water clean?

To clean radioactive water, various methods can be used such as ion exchange, reverse osmosis, chemical precipitation, and filtration. These techniques help to remove radioactive isotopes from the water by trapping them within a filter or chemical solution. It is important to properly dispose of the radioactive waste generated during the cleaning process.

Related questions

Is it true during a chemical change the form of a substance is altered but not its identity?

The answer is true

Why doesn't an atoms identity change during a chemical change?

The energy involved in chemical reactions is not so strong to affect the identity of atoms; only nuclear reactions can modify an atom.

Do element identities reamin the same or change during nuclear decay?

That depends on the nuclear decay type. For gamma decay, the identity does NOT change, but for alpha and beta, it does.

What are unwanted radioactive products formed during nuclear reactions called?

Unwanted radioactive products formed during nuclear reactions are called nuclear waste or radioactive waste. These byproducts are often harmful to the environment and can remain radioactive for long periods of time, presenting challenges for disposal and management.

What is lost during radioactive decay?

Decay energy is the energy that has been freed during radioactive decay. When radioactive decay is ongoing it drops off some energy by means of discharging radiation.

What happens to the atomic mass number in a radioactive substance?

In a radioactive substance, the atomic mass number may change as a result of radioactive decay. During radioactive decay, radioactive atoms undergo nuclear reactions, which can lead to the emission of radioactive particles such as alpha or beta particles. These emitted particles can cause a change in the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, resulting in a different atomic mass number for the resulting atom or isotope.

Are x-rays emitted during radioactive decay?

Yes, x-rays can be emitted during radioactive decay as a form of electromagnetic radiation. These x-rays are produced when atomic transitions occur within the nucleus of the decaying atom.

During a chemical change the form of a substance is altered but not its identity true or false?

The statement is false: A chemical change of a substance is defined as a change in which the substance is not the same substance after the change as it was before.

What radioactive element turns to lead when it has lost lots of energy?

It is uranium that is changed into lead during radioactive decay. Note that there are a number of intermediate steps in the conversion of uranium into stable lead. The uranium does not change directly into lead. The uranium atom undergoes decay, and a radioactive daughter product appears. This continues with radioactive daughters appearing at the end of every step - until lead appears.

What is necessary for you to be able to explain what happens during radioactive decay?

To fully explain radioactive decay you need quantum mechanics.

Is matter lost or gained when it undergoes a state change?

No. Matter can neither be created or destroyed in normal circumstances. The exceptions to this are during radioactive decay, in the core of a star or in a particle accelerator ,

A negative charged particle emitted during radioactive decay?

The negative charged particle emitted during radioactive decay is called a beta particle. It is essentially an electron that is released from the nucleus of the atom undergoing decay in order to conserve charge. Beta decay occurs when a neutron in the nucleus is transformed into a proton, releasing a beta particle and an antineutrino.