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Q: Does the juvenile justice act ameliorate the problem of orphaned delinquent and destitude children?
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Does the juvenile justice act ameliorate the problem of orphaned delinquent and destitute children?

The Juvenile Justice Act was enacted in 1986 with a view to provide uniform pattern of justice to the juveniles throughout the length and breadth of the country. The Act makes provision for the protection and rehabilitation of neglected children and ensures that legally no child is lodged in jail or detained in police lock-up. It also seeks to provide facilities of education, training and rehabilitation of children who have become delinquents or are in distress.

What actors and actresses appeared in I Am Not A Juvenile Delinquent - 2004?

The cast of I Am Not A Juvenile Delinquent - 2004 includes: Rontae Shontia

What is a juvenial delinquent?

A juvenile delinquent is a minor who has committed a criminal offense, regardless of whether they are charged or convicted of the offense. Juvenile delinquency refers to a range of behaviors exhibited by minors that are considered illegal or antisocial.

Can you give example of a sentence using the word delinquent?

The boy was a juvenile delinquent. The girl was nothing but a delinquent.

Is it illegal to leave a one year old with a juvenile delinquent?

No. A juvenile delinquent is not a legal definition it is a social one. In addition delinquency means 'failing in duty', which is an adult trait. By definition a juvenile has not attained adulthood therefore cannot be delinquent. A person may be delinquent in some duties but not in others.

What is a juvenile petition?

A Juvenile petition is for children 18 years of age and younger. It is usually used to determine custody rights, delinquent behavior, special privileges, and other actions.

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what is the antonym for juvenile delinquent

What are the release dates for Overhaulin' - 2004 Juvenile Delinquent 4-10?

Overhaulin' - 2004 Juvenile Delinquent 4-10 was released on: USA: 2006

Which term best describes a young person under the age of adulthood who commits a crime?

Criminal.Added: The above is a factual answer however, the "kinder and gentler" term for it is Juvenile Offender or Juvenile Delinquent.

What is delinquent juvenile mean?

A delinquent juvenile is a young person who has committed a crime or violated a law. They may be subject to the juvenile justice system rather than the adult criminal justice system.

Can you make a sentences with the word delinquent?

The teacher spoke to the delinquent student about his missing assignments.

Find you a declamations?

juvenile delinquent declamation piece