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No. They absorb predigested food from other organisms, therefore they don't have digestive systems at all.

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Q: Does the liver fluke and tapeworm have well developed digestive systems?
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What organism has a saclike digestive system?

Parasites such as tapeworm, planarian and live fluke have digestive systems that are saclike. Their digestive tracts have one opening and they live inside a host animal.

Does a liver fluke have a circulatory system?

The liverflukes have no any kind of systems. It has only partially developed digestive system. An excretory pore is als present

What are the examples of platyhelminths?

turbelliona (its either ona or ana) tapeworm fluke planaria

What are the examples platyhelminthes?

turbelliona (its either ona or ana) tapeworm fluke planaria

What are fluke infections?

Fluke infections are diseases of the digestive tract and other organ systems caused by several different species of parasitic flatworms (Trematodes) that have complex life cycles involving hosts other than human beings.

How can fluke infections be prevented?

No vaccines have been developed that are effective against lung or liver fluke infections.

What does the intestinal fluke eat?

They feed off the inner walls of the digestive system.

Would tapeworm show up in a human blood test?

ummmm....check your dog first, okay? then we'll get into this.

What is the difference between tapeworms and ascaris?

My mum says a tapeworm lives in your stomach and a liver fluke lives in your liver.

How does a fluke protect itself from the digestive enzymes of its hosts?

The outer layer of cells around the flukes body is enzyme resistant.

Name some parasites?

There are so many parasites which include ticks, tapeworm, liver fluke, rust, hookworm and so many more. These are organisms that gain nutrients at the expense of the host.

What are the harmful effects of phylum platyhelminthes?

these live as endoparasites in human e.g taenia{tapeworm},Fasciola{liver fluke}.These two parasites have two hosts.Planaria is a free living specie.