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Q: Does the magma inside earth heat the rock to a very high temperature?
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What is rising up from inside of earth?

Heat energy, magma.

What forces inside earth shape earth's surface?

Heat deep inside Earth is constantly reshaping the planet's surface.

What warms the lakes and oceans?

The sun and the earth. The earth has fire/heat/magma inside it that heats up the earth and lakes and oceans

What heats underground water?

The inside of the earth because scientists say that the there is some kind of heat found inside of the earth that is an orange color, so that's what heats the water.

What are the conditions needed for a metamorphic rock to form?

they are normally formed inside or very near volcanoes. To form igneous rock magma must cool the it will turn into and igneous rock (intrusive or extrusive)

Name three things that can cause rock to melt and form magma?

The main cause for a rock to melt and form magma is constant pressure and heat in the mantel

What are the three types of magma composition?

The properties of the three types of magma depend with viscosity, density and temperature. This is usually determine by heat and how far the molten rock are far from the surface of the earth.

Why does temperature rise towards the center of the earth?

Because towards the middle of the Earth there is Lava/Magma, and that is why the temperaturee rises because it lets off so much heat.

What causes earths surface to heat up?

The sun ray's are most responsible for Earth's surface temperature.

Where does the energy for heating magma come from?

It comes from inside Earth, which is always very hot. The internal heat is due to a combination of factors. The two most significant are residual heat from Earth's formation and energy released by radioactive decay of certain isotopes inside the planet.

Which part of the Earth is the source of magma?

Lava is magma that reaches the surface. Magma originates either from rising plumes of heat at hot spots in the Earth's mantle, where decompression melting takes place as the hot rock nears the surface; or, it originates in the mantle from subduction of oceanic crust, where cold, wet rock speeds melting of the subducting rock and it rises toward the surface.

What is a type of rock formed by pressure on large masses of rock?

Metamorphic rocks are buried deep inside Earth. There is enough heat and pressure to change the rocks, but not enough to melt it into magma. Metamorphic rocks can form adjacent to layers of magma, because of the generated heat, however