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Q: Does the male pipe fish give live birth?
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Common live-bearing fish birth symptoms are less appetite, male fish constantly following the female, and female being more stressed.

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How long after a zebra danio fish gets pregnant will it give birth?

Zebra danios are not live-bearing fish, so they do not get pregnant. Instead, the female will lay eggs, and the male will fertilize them. The eggs will hatch about 2 days after being fertilized.

What male salt water or fresh water fish gives birth?

The only male fish that gives birth to young is the seahorse. He actually is not giving birth, but retains fertilized eggs in his body and releases them when the eggs hatch.

How do angler fish give birth?

Like most fish, angler fishes lay eggs. They give birth in deep ocean water, where it is very dark. The male latches onto the female and stays that way.

You have some sowrdtails fish how can you tell if they are pregnant?

The female will normally have a more rounded belly as she prepares to give birth and look noticably fatter than the male. A swordtail is a livebearing species of fish so they do not lay eggs but give birth to baby fish known as fry who will be freeswimming from the moment of birth.

Can a male naked mole rat give birth or the females?

male do not give birth. ever.

How do stone fish give birth?

she goes up to the male stone fish who then starts to bite the tail of the female then the females baby eggs come out of the mouth

Why is the female anaconda larger than the male anaconda?

She needs to be in order to eat enough to nourish and give birth to her young (anacondas give birth to live young).

Do fish give live birth?

Bees give birth by mating with up to six drones {males} a day...... and after they die. The queen bee is the mother of the pack because she gives birth to everyone literally! But, she doesn't give live birth she lays eggs, which then eventually hatch into larvae and then grow into mature bees.

Do the male dolphins incubate the eggs?

No, dolphins do not lay eggs. Dolphins give birth to live young.

Do bulls lay eggs or give live birth?

Bull sharks do give live birth and can have as many as 13 baby bulls.