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Q: Does the moon's gravity cause waves and currents?
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Is the surface of the sea is not level due to the tide?

There are a few things that cause the ocean surface not to be level. The small-scale variation or waves is caused by wind. The ocean level in various areas is also affected by wind patterns, ocean currents, variations in Earth's gravity, and the tides.

How do you modulate gravity waves?

Modulating gravity waves is currently beyond our technological capabilities, as gravity waves are extremely weak and difficult to manipulate. These waves are produced by massive cosmic events such as colliding black holes or neutron stars, and detecting them requires highly advanced equipment like LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory).

Why are rip tides associated with gravitational waves?

Rip tides are not associated with gravitational waves. Rip tides are strong, narrow currents in the ocean caused by the interaction of water levels, while gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime caused by moving masses. They are two different phenomena that are not directly related.

Can you have a bath on the moon?

No, it is not possible to have a bath on the moon as there is no atmosphere or water on the moon's surface. Additionally, the low gravity on the moon would cause water to behave differently than on Earth.

What is the ionosphere current?

The ionosphere current refers to the flow of charged particles (such as electrons and ions) in Earth's ionosphere. These currents are influenced by the magnetic field of the Earth and play a crucial role in the interaction between solar radiation and the Earth's atmosphere. Ionospheric currents are important for phenomena like auroras and the propagation of radio waves.

Related questions

What is wave and tide?

Well for those of u who must know, waves are ocean currents created by wind. Tides are ocean currents created from the push and the pull of the sun and the moons gravity.

How do currents work?

currents are effected by a lot of things one of them is the moon. The moons gravitational pulls the waves towards it causing waves to move

What are ocean currents and movement?

They are pulled from the gravity/force of the moon therefore creating waves and currents.

How the waves are made?

The moons gravity pulls the water and makes high tide and low tide

What is the cause of waves currents and tides?

the wind and shifting of the earth.

What causes tides but not waves and currents?

The gravity of the Sun and the Moon causes tides. Waves are caused by the wind. Currents have a variety of causes, but differential heating of different parts of the Earth by the Sun, modified by the coriolis effect of the turning Earth is the main one.

What happen when surface currents meet a continent?

you get waves not tidal waves or tsunami's! You just get waves. how big they get would depend on air currents and storms

How does the moon cause tides on earth the most widely accepted model of the solar system is what?

Yes, the moons gravity pulls slightly on the earths hydrosphere. After a full moon you may notice that the oceans waves are distorted moving in several directions.

Can the waves crashing against the beach without any initiating event?

No. Waves are transferring energy from another source such as wind, boats, animals (fish, human ect) currents, Gravity ( Tides).

What affects do water waves and currents have on beaches?

waves and currents make the shore bigger

What does the moon cause on the earth?

it's gravity disturbs the oceans. can cause giant waves.

Is a ocean lentic or lotic water?

It has to be Lotic, because of waves and currents.