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Q: Does the name mrs winword sound weird?
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What does mrs wemple mean?

mrs wemple means some weird fat lady who is very annoying but also is a mean teacher mrs wemple means some weird fat lady who is very annoying but also is a mean teacher mrs wemple means some weird fat lady who is very annoying but also is a mean teacher

Why is your teach mrs Patterson?

because your weird principal assigned you that class

Is Mrs Flowers proper singular possessive?

The name Mrs. Flowers is singular (one person).The name Mrs. Flowers is a proper noun (the name of a person).The name Mrs. Flowers is not possessive.

What are the differences between Mrs Higgins and Don Anselmo?

none frankly, both are weird people loll

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Mrs. Watterson's first name is Nicole.

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Mrs. Butterworth

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oh shes related to cristina the ancient lioma and is mr fibonacci's wife her husbund gertruch was very very powerful....................................... ha ha ha just kidding IDK who mrs what ever her name is du look it up on a different website you people are weird go on google

How do you write a name using mr or mrs?

Well, Mr. is for a man and Mrs. is for a married woman. Example: My name is Mr. John Uberrubber. Or, Mr. Uberrubber. Example: My name is Mrs. Elizabeth Scotchontherocks. Or, Mrs. Scotchontherocks.

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That is Mrs. Van Pels real name. Anne Frank used Mrs. Van Daan in her diary.

What is the name of teacher in the game my favorite teacher?

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