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I had a tooth that had a cavity under a filling that was in the tooth for MANY years. The tooth finally cracked and the back corner fell off. It did not hurt but, I knew it had to be removed. The only thing that hurt was the little pinch from the needle of the novocaine. No worries.

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14y ago

Thank you :) I was so afraid, because i have to go tomorrow.

Nope it is only a little scrape i have got it done a lot of times u dont have to worry :)

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Q: Does the needle hurt when you get a tooth pulled?
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Does the injection when getting a tooth pulled out for braces hurt?

Nope! You'll feel a little pinch at first when they put the needle in, then your gum around the tooth getting pulled out will be numb so they can pull it out! :)

Simile for getting a tooth pulled?

getting your tooth pulled is like being injected with a needle.

Does it hurt getting your tooth pulled?

No it does not hurt getting a tooth pulled because the dentist will numb your gums. The shot they use to numb you up will hurt a little bit.

Does it hurt when your get your cracked tooth pulled out?

it hurts so bad

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No, but it will hurt when you chip it.

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Of course. How would you get hurt by that?

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Having a tooth pulled regardless of the location will hurt, most dentists and oral surgeons will prescribe Ibuprofen or Vicodin after tooth extractions. However, If it's a deciduous tooth (baby tooth) and your other canine is coming in, it would be smarter to have it pulled as to allow the permanent tooth room to come in. Otherwise your tooth could come in crooked.

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Do injections hurt when having a tooth pulled out?

If you are afraid like I am ask them to first put the cream on, it numbs the gum. Then ask them to use the thinnest needle and numb the area little by little. This means that after the first tiny shot you wont feel when they give you the rest.

I had a tooth pulled today and my face hurts should your face hurt after tooth extraction?

no, solo tienes que pedir anestesia topica

What is having a tooth pulled simile?

Getting a tooth pulled is like getting a shot.