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Net income represents amount of revenue minus expensesfor the period of time in question. A business owner can withdraw from cash either on hand or in the company's bank account. Net income is basically profit from monies made from doing business after figuring how much was lost from the cost of doing business (buying supplies, inventory, parts, etc.). The income sometimes has to go to other things like wages to workers, rent of buildings, liabilities such as loans for cash or equipment.

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Q: Does the net income represent an amount of cash that can be withdrawn by the owner of a business?
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What is business income?

Business income is the amount of money received through your business.

What are business deductions?

these are expenses which are deducted from the income of a business and reduce their amount of taxable income. for example, the cost of a renting a store will be deducted from a stores profit.

What is a retain?

Retained Earnings represent the amount that an entity has increased in value due to Net Income.

How much of a business's income is taxed?

The amount that a business's income is taxed depends on which of the eight tax brackets they are in which are based on overall profit. They can be taxed from 15% to 35%.

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Why is the operating earnings subtotal included in most income statements?

Operating income is the income generated by business with basic business activity that's why everybody interested in that amount more than anybody else.

What is a retained earning?

Retained Earnings represent the amount that an entity has increased in value due to Net Income.

What kind of income can you get from a business degree?

You can receive different levels of income with a business degree. A degree alone, does not guarantee a certain amount of income. There are many different business, administration, and marketing jobs that you could go into with this degree. The average income however, would begin at around 40,000 dollars a year.

Are withdrawls listed on the income statement?

Withdrawals are those amount which taken out from business by owners of business and it is not part of income statement rather it is shown as deduction from owners capital in balance sheet.

How do you prove profitability?

business in which you are buying must produce more than enough income to support you and your family. In Florida, the median income for a family of four is $56,824 and so a business should generate an operating income that is greater than that amount. The business tax return and other financial

What are some factors affecting the amount of income tax you owe?

the amount you made plus the dependents claimed, amount of interest, charitable donations, medical, business expenses.

Will you get a w-2 for a gross income under 500.00?

If you were an employee for a business you will receive a W-2 form no matter what the amount of income that you received. This is required of them by the IRS.