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It's completely different... 2 minutes in and you have to leave the room... It's like their balls haven't even dropped.

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Q: Does the new beyblade metal fusion series suck?
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Does metal fight Beyblade have spirits?

Well In Beyblade Metal Fusion (English Name) The faces (Similar to bit-piece) have symbols and names on them. My research says that only the main ones ( WRONG ANSWER ABOVE ) first of all, storm pegasus is in metal fusion, but not in metal fight. Big bang pegasus is in Metal Fight. The people are working on making the English Version of Metal Fight. YES! They do have spirits This makes me sad, but Tsubasa is not in this series that much. I am not talking about Metal Masters. I am talking about Metal Fight. In metal masters they have teams such as team starbreaker, gangan galaxy, Chandora, wild fang. But in metal Fight, they don't.

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Metal is typically in the solid state of matter at room temperature. Metal atoms are arranged in a close-packed structure, providing strength and durability to the material. Some metals can become liquid at high temperatures or under specific conditions.

Do beyblade suck?

If You dont have the right preformance tip It will But If you have a stamina tip It can spin Very well My Classmates at Middle school Told me that when I was in 8th grade

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Depends on what you mean suck. if the you mean the clean version than yeah she does in most of the series.

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There will be no book! Suck!

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it doesn't suck, that's just your opinion.

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the three metal strenghs are dick suck and wee thank u from sophie

Who has better mpg Chevy or Ford?

FORD, the ford fusion hybrid has 41mpg, while Chevy has 35 SORRY CHEVY YOU SUCK.

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you bet it sucksand everyone should know thatthat really really sucks