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It makes your car smell somewhat new, but be careful as too much will make it smell like a cab, unless of course you want to go for the cab smell.

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Q: Does the new car smell scented car freshner really make my car smell new?
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Some people produce more highly scented perspiration than others. Regular bathing and the use of deodorant should make you smell more acceptable.

Why does scented candles burn faster then unscented candles?

Because scented candles are scented using a chemical smell that will make the flame burn more through the candles wax.

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if you use scented chandan powder u may smell good to bath

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Stuff with scented pot pouri and put in draws to make them smell good

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Clean hair usually smells wonderful. Wash it with a scented shampoo if you want it to smell like a recognizable scent.

Does scented toilet paper make your butt smell better?

YES i belive it does i dont know wanna smell me butt ya know just to check

How do you make paper air freshener?

spray air freshner on paper

Do they make grape scented candles?

Yes, there are many Candle Companies that make candles that smell like grapes or maybe even sweet grapes. You just have to look around and find the best Candle company for you. There are some candle owners that can make you a grape scented candle just for you by requesting a special scent.

Can I buy something to make my car smell like it's still new?

Stores like Walmart have a fresh scent spray or new car scent air freshner available. It is not quite the same as a brand new car but it is as close as it gets.

How are candles scented?

Aromatic oils are added to the raw ingredients that make up the candle during the manufacturing process - the burning wick evaporates the oils - making the candle smell nice !

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No, aloe is a natural plant derivative, most noted for its soothing and healing properties when applied to burns. So, no you can't lose brain cells from sniffing aloe scented soap, although it may make them smell soft and clean.

Does blowing weed smoke in a pillow work?

It will make the pillow smell nice, bit to get rid of the smell you'd need to blow the smoke through something scented like dryer sheets or deodorant. There is a devise specifically made for this. It's called a "spoof".