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Yes, the child is still the parents child.

To determine if there is a legal responsibility you must review any child support order, divorce decree and state laws.

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Q: Does the non custodial parent have any responsibility for a college student?
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Can a custodial parent seek child support payments from the non custodial parent's new spouse if non custodial parent is unemployed?

No. She has no legal responsibility to support the children. Only the biological parents have any responsibility for child support.

In Indiana can a 16-year-old move in with a non custodial parent when the custodial parents refuses to let them?

No. The custodial parent has been assigned the responsibility for the child by the court. And until the minor reaches the age of 18, they live where their parent tells them to.

Can a non-custodial parent go to college?

Yes, of course.

Can child support owed to the custodial parent be garnished if they owe for student loans?


If you are a custodial parent who has no geographical restrictions are you responsible to get your child to the non custodial parent for visitation if you move out of state?

No you are not. It is the noncustodial parent's responsibility to make arrangements to visit the child. All this should be included in your custody papers.

If a 21 year old full time student lives on their own is the custodial parent entitled to child support?

If the support order included a provision continuing support while the child was enrolled in college it does not matter where the child is living, as the support is to reimburse the custodial parent for the non custodial parents share of the child's expenses. If the child is attending school the custodial parent is likely still paying expenses for that child regardless of where they are living

Is a non custodial parent required to help child with college tution?

No, neither parent is required to help their child pay college tuition.

If a 17-year old moves out of her house and in with her boyfriend does non-custodial parent still have to pay child support?

A non-custodial parent is responsible to pay child support whether or not the custodial parent has a boyfriend or a husband or not. This responsibility continues until the child reaches the age of 18 years unless the child dies or the court takes some action to end that responsibility.

Is it the noncustodial parent's responsibility to pick up and take home a child in the state of Alabama?

If it is not stipulated in the custodial agreement the parents are responsible for working out an equitable solution concerning transportation issues.The court however, generally assumes it to be the responsibility of the noncustodial parent to arrange such matters in a manner that will be advantageous to both the custodial parent and the child(ren).

Where to Find inexpensive car insurance for college student?

Inexpensive car insurance for a college student can be found by having the student's insurance on the parent's policy. Some states allow for the parent to have a college student on their insurance until they graduate.

Does a non custodial parent pay child support while he or she attends college?

All biological parents are legally responsible for the financial support of their minor children regardless of the circumstances. The issue of not having custodial rights and being in college is not relevant to the court when a support order is issued.

Is custodial parent liable for for child who won't listen to custodial parent and runs to noncustodial parent?

for what?