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Yes, unless there are other arrangements mentioned in the visitation order. The non-custodial parent shouldn't expect the custodial parent to do the transporting. Taking your own parental responsibilities seriously is character building.

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Q: Does the noncustodial parent have to bring back the children to the custodial parents after a visit?
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Can noncustodial parents prevent custodial parents from leaving the state with baby?

A noncustodial parent can prevent the custodial parent from leaving the state with a baby or child. The court will decide if the custodial parent has just cause to leave the state.

In Michigan can the noncustodial parent take the children out of state on vacation without the custodial parent's permission?

No, a non custodial parent can not take a child out of state without the custodial parents permission. The non custodial parent could be charged with kidnapping if charges are brought against them.

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Does the custodial parent have the right to know where the child is when the non custodial parent has the child?

As long as the NCP - and CP for that matter - abides by the court order, and provides phone access, then the other parent doesn't need the address of every place the child will be visiting. The permanent residence, however, needs to be known.

Can a custodial parent leave the state of North Dakota without the noncustodial parents permission?

No the custodial parent has to have either the courts permission or the non-custodians permission.

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Is custodial parent liable for for child who won't listen to custodial parent and runs to noncustodial parent?

for what?

How much trouble would the noncustodial parent get in for keeping their child without consent of court or the custodial parent if said child wishes to stay with the noncustodial parent?

If the noncustodial parent tries to keep the child, the custodial parent can get the noncustodial parent charged with kidnapping and contempt of court both can be jail time for the noncustodial.

When custodial parent dies does noncustodial parent get custody?

Yes, they do.

If the custodial parent is convicted of a crime and becomes incarcerated does the noncustodial parent automatically becomes the custodial parent - correct?

No, the child goes into the care of custodial parents relatives. A motion for emergency change of custody is required. see my profile.

Can the custodial parent have the noncustodial parents disability check garnished for child support if they were never married?

Child support needs to be decided on by the court. In most cases, the noncustodial parent is responsible for something. If the custodial parent makes considerably more than the noncustodial parent, monies many not even be exchanged. To resolve this issue, it is best to file papers at your court house.

What right does a custodial parent have to enter the noncustodial parent house?
