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The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program pays benefits to disabled adults and children who have limited income and resources. SSI benefits also are payable to people 65 and older without disabilities who meet the financial limits.

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Q: Does the person have to be disabled in order to claim SSI?
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Can a disabled adult child receive his fathers social security benefits when his father dies?

A person generally receives one or the other SSD or SSI benefits. A disabled adult child cannot get social security from his parent's benefits and get SSI at the same time. Also, when one person in the family gets full SSD, all other persons in the household who receive SSI receive a lowered amount of benefits.

Is my child eligible for SSI?

People collect SSI when they are disabled. If a child is disabled, you can apply to see if they are eligible to receive SSI. The Social Security Office will have applications.

If a person is on ssi because they are disabled can the state take back child support from their check?


Can a child support arears be erased if paying parent becomes disabled receiving SSI not SSD?

No, though the SSI is not attachable, the arrears will remain, and gain interest. This benefits the state, as they can continue to claim annual federal matching funds of 15%.

What is ssi program used for?

Permanently disabled persons.

Who can take ssi benefits?

Permanently disabled persons

Can you qualify for ssi if you have bipolar nos?

Mental disorders consider some individuals as disabled due to not being able to perform properly with other individuals. Bipolar nos can qualify a person for receiving ssi benefits.

Can you draw Social Security disability for Parkinson's?

Yes, to receive SSI or SSDI a person must be considered disabled. Disabled means that the person's impairment will last at least a year or result in death and that they cannot work any job in the national economy.

Do your Social Security Disablities benefits go to your 27 year old daughter if you die?

Only if your daughter is a disabled person; if she qualifies for SSI now.

Can you get ssi if you are illiterate?

no, to be considered disabled you must not be able to work any jobs in the national economy. If you are illiterate, you can still do manual labor and are therefore not considered disabled

Can child support be collected if you are permanently disabled?

Yes, unless you are receiving SSI.

I Have been disabled since age 15 2001 my father has been disabled since 1997 I never received any child ssi payments for him If I claim for my disability do I get all back pay from the years?

Why was this not filed for in 2001? There may be some question about that before it's decided.