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No, Pluto does not deserve to be called a planet because it has not yet cleared the path of it's orbit

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Q: Does the planet Pluto deserve to be called as a planet?
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Pluto is not considered a planet anymore but is considered a dwarf planet.

This used to be called a planet but now isn't?

Pluto is a dwarf planet because scientists say Pluto is too small to be a planet anymore. Pluto is a DWARF PLANET.

Why isn't Pluto called a planet anymore?

Pluto isn't a planet anymore because it was to small to be considered a planet.

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becauese Pluto is to small to be a planet

Why is Pluto called a dwarf planet andnot a real planet?

Pluto is now classified as a dwarf planet as the requirements for classification as a planet have changed and Pluto is now too small to be a planet

What is the nickname for the planet Pluto?

pluto is called the dwarf planet also the ice planet and small planet.

What is another What are fact about Pluto?

Pluto was originally called a planet, it is now reclassified as a dwarf planet.