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Q: Does the pouch on a pelican help it catch fish or store water?
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What bird carry fish in its big bill?

A pelican is a bird with a saggy pouch that can scoop fish out of water.

Which is the largest water bird with a pouch below its back?


What is a pelican?

A large long-winged warm-water seabird having a large bill with a expandable pouch for fish.A pelican is a bird that scoops fish (along with water) from the ocean and then eats the fish.

What is a pelican's adaptation?

It has a large beak to catch bigger fish. and it holds water.

Which bird has a huge pouch that can hold 13 liters of water?

A pelican

Why is brown pelican useful?

The brown pelican is about four feet in length. It has a brown and gray body and a white head with a light brown crown. Its neck is dark brown during breeding season. Young pelicans are all brown. The brown pelican has a very long gray bill with a large pouch of skin. Its pouch holds two or three times more than its stomach can hold -- close to three gallons of fish and water! Males and females look the same

How does a pelican move?

A pelican is an aquatic bird, and as such, it can both fly and move upon the surface of the water. It is also able to dive down into the water to catch fish in its over-sized mouth. Lastly, it can also walk on dry land but it is not very agile. It can fly swim and walk (well waddle really). Pelicans' are birds that eat fish. They're beaks open and a large pouch at the bottom picks up as much water and as many fish as possible. :)

How do you catch a pelican?

They put their heads under the water and catch the fish in their beaks. They then lift their beaks up into the air and the fish goes down their throat.......

White pelican food web?

Their diet consists mainly of fish, which they capture individually or through a co-operative effort: a few birds will form a semicircle and slowly swim towards shore while beating their wings and herding their prey towards shallower water; in unison they dip their bill and catch any fish that swim into it. The bill of all pelicans, unique to the bird world, has a distensible throat pouch that can hold up to 13.5 litres. The pouch is not only used as a dip net to catch fish, but acts as a cooling device when this bare skin is fluttered.

What do you call a lump on a camel's back?

a camels lumps one it's back is called there water pouch. the reason for this is they store all there water into there lumps.

What is a pelican's habitat?

Shorelines, (usually reefs and gulfs) the water itself, and perches near the shore. No wonder they have those beaks to get large amounts of water which hopefully catch fish.

A pouch with a selectively permeable membrane conting a salt soluction is immersed in a dish of fresh water which way will the water move into the pouch or out of the pouch?

the water will flow in because the molecules in the pouch cannot flow out and the water particles will be able to flow in because they are smaller than the salt particles.