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Q: Does the ribcage protect your lungs?
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Who protect lungs?


Does the skull protect the lungs?

The skull protects the brain. The ribcage protects the lungs.

What organs protect the rib cage?

Well, to answer the question directly, skin protects the ribcage. If the question reversed (what organs does the ribcage protect?), then my answer would be that the ribcage primarily protects the heart and lungs, although it does protect the spleen and, to a lesser extent, the liver and stomach.

What does the lungs protect?

Your immune system and your rib cage, plus a layer of muscle

What Protects the lung and heart?

The ribcage and muscles on the ribcage protect the heart and the lungs. The pericardium protects the heart as well.

What is the function of a horses ribcage?

The same as a person's. To protect the lungs and heart and to support breathing.

Why are the ribs called the ribcage?

ribs are called ribcage because our ribs form like a cage to protect our heart, lungs and other internal parts of the body.

What do the ribs protect?

The ribs protect the heart and the lungs. They basically provide support to the entire chest cavity. The ribcage protects your:1. Heart2. LungsThe ribcage also protects parts of the stomach, spleen and kidneys.A rib protects your lungs Addition-It also protects your heart and internal organs=)

Why is the ribcage in the human skeletal system important?

It helps protect some of our most vital organs such as our heart and lungs.

What muscles do the ribcage protect?

They protect the heart and lungs from injuries and shocks that might damage them. Ribs also protect parts of the stomach, spleen, and kidneys. The ribs help you to breathe. As you inhale, the muscles in between the ribs lift the rib cage up, allowing the lungs to expand.

Who protects the lungs?

our ribcage protects the lungs .

What bones do you think protect the lungs?

The lungs and heart are protected and surrounded by the ribs called the rib cage.